Fault Log

As part of our campaign to demonstrate how the use of older buses on the 95 route results in a less reliable service, we started taking note of all the times when there are reports of faulty buses on the 95 or the associated services...

Our records started on 1st April 2022 and we recorded 57 examples where the 95 service has been delayed by a faulty bus in the year up to 31st March 2023.

For the year 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 we recorded 37 faults reported as delaying the 95.

From 1st April 2024 to 30th June 2024 we recorded 8 further faults.

Since 1st July 2024 we have had a number of further faults as below.

However, recently Stagecoach seem to have stopped using the word "fault" quite so frequently in posts about the 95 bus, so it has become impossible to tell the difference between:

There has been no change in the age of the buses used on the 95 route and delays of a general nature continue to be reported on Twitter as can be seen by looking at: https://twitter.com/search?f=live&q=95%20%28from%3Astagecoachescot%29&src=typed_query

As an example, on 19th September 2024 I was on the 09:49 bus from Pinkerton Road that arrived at St Andrews Bus Station at 10:21 due to become the 10:25 95 service - but as I was waiting for my connecting 65 bus it became clear that there was a problem with the door closing mechanism on the 95 (15458 AE09 GYF) - various mechanics came from the Bus Station garage to attempt to fix the problem - the bus was still there when I departed on the 65 at 10:43 (13 minutes late due to various roadworks on the route) - according to https://bustimes.org the 95 was replaced by 15624 SF10 CAU which departed 28 minutes late at 10:53 - meanwhile 15458 AE09 GYF was repaired and departed as a 95 at 14:29. None of this was reported on Twitter.

So we continue to campaign for newer buses on the 95 route as part of Making bus journeys better.

29th October was a bad day: 15464 AE09 GYO was operating as the 10:25 95 from St Andrews when it had a problem in Anstruther from where it was driven directly back to the depot at Aberhill in Methil and 15637 SF10 CCO was sent out as a replacement running from St Monans to Leven about 10 minutes late.

Then 15642 SF10 CCZ which was operating as the 14:40 from Leven broke down near Hammer Inn just north of Crail - 15626 SF10 CAX rushed from St Andrews to rescue the passengers and continue the service - running about 30 minutes late rather than the 20 mentioned in the "tweet" - I was on the upper deck of this replacement bus as we passed the stricken original vehicle, hazard lights flashing and still where it had stopped near Hammer Inn...

This bus was not reporting its position, so it's not possible to determine its identity or what happened to it after the fault occurred.