Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy
If you are referred on to Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy from St Andrews Community Hospital then it is often worth waiting for the approximately hourly X58 bus from stop (Y) as this is much the fastest way to Kirkcaldy Bus Station where you can change one of many buses to Victoria Hospital - the overall journey time is around 1 hour 15 minutes - going into St Andrews for an X60 or 95 to Leven would give you an overall journey time of around 3 hours - so if it's a Sunday or an evening when the X58 bus doesn't run you are much better getting referred to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.
Crail to Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy
Travel by bus to Victoria Hospital is via Leven Bus Station.
The avoidance of the Tay Road Bridge which can be closed in bad weather is the main advantage of Victoria Hospital over Ninewells.
Fife Council have a leaflet on buses for Victoria Hospital:
You are recommended to use the Stagecoach journey planner to plan your journey to Victoria Hospital to take account of the new timetables - remember to enter the correct date of travel so as to select the correct timetable.