New Timetables

Stagecoach have new timetables starting Monday 14th August 2023

The announcement and timetables links are at:

Full Stagecoach details are at:

The new 95 timetable is available to download below.

Some of the column headings are perhaps not entirely clear - Stagecoach have tried to simplify the timetable grid. Because of different school hours on different days there are often two alternative versions of a 95 trip - one version applies on school holidays and some schooldays and the other version applies on other schooldays:

Timetable changes include:

You will see that the changes are mostly about improving the late night transport for people working late... whereas one of our campaigns is at the opposite end of the timetable - to help workers get to their jobs at the beginning of the day and to help with getting to early hospital appointments - see Making bus journeys better

95 routes around St Andrews

95 395 Web Timetable Aug 23.pdf

Below is an alternative view of the 95 timetable. It uses different column headings which may make things clearer as to which day buses run - but is has some other confusions like saying that the Sunday timetable applies on Public Holidays... which is NOT the case, Public Holidays generally follow the normal timetable except for the "May Day" Bank Holiday on the first Monday in May which follows a SATURDAY timetable and other variations around Christmas and New Year when special timetables apply and you need to look out for details of what the timetables will actually be...

You also need to watch out that this timetable calls the stop in South Street by its old name of "Madras College" rather than the new name of "Blackfriars".

95 alt view.pdf